This MJ-12 is allegedly an ultra top secret Research
and Development group - a secret part of the U.S. government - involved
with Intelligence Operation. It was allegedly established by President Truman
on September 24, 1947 in light of the events at Roswell, New Mexico, where
a UFO allegedly crashed and gray aliens/alien hybrids were captured.
Updated April 2022
The group also know by the
names The Majestic Twelve Operation, Majestic 12, Majic 12, MAJCOM or MJ-12
was created under an executive order on September 24th , 1947. The panel
was empowered to review all available evidence and data collected by the
government, military and intelligence agencies.
MJ-12 was a 'Committee' set
up inside the NSC. In 1954, President Eisenhower signed the Secret Executive
Order, "Order Number 54-12". (NSC is the National Security Counsel)
This committee able to take
appropriate action without congressional oversight.
The MJ-12 group worked closely with the Joint Intelligence
Committee, the Air Technical Intelligence Centre and Intelligence Advisory
Committee. Projects connected to or spun off from MJ-12 were PROJECT SIGMA,
PROJECT SIGN which was said to have evolved into PROJECT GRUGE. It can make
a person feel uneasy that such an organisation was formed outside of the
normal channels of our democratic process, that the citizens of the United
States work so hard to fund and keep together.
Its manifestation set precedents
for much of the double-dealing and covert activities that run so rampant
within United States Government political system today.
Amongst the MJ-12 documents there is information about
UFO crashes and recoveries, connected military installations, scientific
facilities, laboratories, locations of wreckage storage, experiments with
advanced technology and labs wherein secret operations took place.
MJ-12 was the President's special panel to investigate
the UFO/alien phenomena and participate in capture of unidentified space
vehicles. The President was briefed on a weekly activity in what was called
'Current Intelligence Review'. The group also dealt with the social impact
on personnel directly exposed to any given recovery or incident as well
as the effects if this information ever went public. The line up of the
MJ-12 committee members varied from document to document . The conclusion
was that there were different committee members depending on the date the
document surfaced. One of the names that was consistent in most of the document
rosters was Dr. Vannevar Bush, who himself and James V. Forrestal created
the committee with the approval of President Truman. The other cast of characters
consisted of U.S military generals, scientists, a Shell Oil executive and,
on a few documents, Professor Albert Enstein and Warner von Brauns names
came up as being associated with the project.
It appeared that committee members were in some cases
isolated from other members - That is certain MJ-12 members were not aware
of all of the other committee members. They provided their input independent
of other members. Secrecy and disinformation were the key to MJ-12's operation.
Information was leaked to certain third parties - UFO researchers - certain
media people - and in such a way that the full picture could not be found.
This was to create a "media circus" where such things as crop
circles and reported sightings of UFO's were reported as rubbish stories
in the news.
Even the very validity of the group MJ-12 was leaked
as a hoax. MJ-12 leaked the story that the group known as MJ-12 did not
actually exist and was "made up" as a fiction story for the sole
purpose of deflecting any media attention away from the truth.
A conference was held in September of 1947
to discuss approximately 1200 memorandums and intelligence's reports of
UFO incidents. The conference consisted of National Security officials and
leaders of private industry for the purpose of other world visitations.
Points were made about the technological and economic standpoints of advanced
life forms. They went as far as having concern for the division of celestial
bodies and the distribution of ownership. The potential of anarchy and the
peaceful arbitration of such cases arising. There was the notion of United
Nations having to deal with the problems related to extraterrestrials, and
how profound changes in traditional concepts on this planet would occur
if intelligent life-forms were uncovered. There was also concern of how
international law would deal with the occupation by celestial peoples at
certain location on our planet.
Military and other personnel
involved with any of the operations had a "Need To Know" access
with proper security clearance. One document stated that the Roswell security
had gone well, but a few Military Police had suffered nervous breakdowns
some "suicides".
Some of the documents informed military
officers on the political and psychological impact on personnel directly
involved with recovery, transport, research and storage of any UFO/alien
related materials, and how official appraisal and evaluations of the situations
at said facilities are to be reported back on a regular basis.
There was also an official
procedure established for how civilians were debriefed and warned of consequences
of talking to the press. And the secrecy established seems to almost be
working. What was interesting was the mention of an information leak about
the secret UFO recovery operation at Roswell
and their concern that it had gotten to a Massachusetts representative
named John F. Kennedy. The (later) President John F. Kennedy had made public
statements about the UFO situation. (see link)
There was a strict regulation to detain civilian witnesses for
interrogation to satisfy intelligence requirements in the interests of national
The government perspective and policy was
and is control and denial. One of the documents stated that the objective
was to control the public's mind - which was in actuality to control the
press. The policy is to enforce strict denial of anything surfacing from
Roswell and any other UFO incident. There was also what they called a "controlled
release" to the media, done in such a fashion to discredit any civilian
investigations. They felt it was better to debunk than to verify and minimise
the chance of cultural breakdown and reduce possible loss of status quo.
During any such incident the standard procedure is to debrief any civilian
and military witnesses and to give news reporters an effective cover story.
The justification of concealing
the evidence of extraterrestrial life was in part listed on a memorandum
called Political Considerations. The committee felt, because of the conditions
in Europe shortly after WW 2, that going public with the information would
be damaging if not fatal to the world structure. The debate led to the opinion
that: 1) Public trust of political institutions could deteriorate. 2) Institutions
of higher learning would come into question on the certainty of scientific
knowledge. 3) National security and the Armed Forces would be put in jeopardy
due to the possibility of public fear and disorder. 4) History and religion would suffer the most damage causing social
and psychological upheaval.5)Political repercussions in the United States containing
the threat of communism. 6) Exposure might be perceived as a trick to manipulate
the public's mind. Even still some of their opinions were completely blacked out of the documents - we wonder what they could have been ? ?
Some of the documents expressed grave concern
that there seemed to be a connection with routine military flights, experimental
aircraft malfunctions and disappearances associated with UFO sightings.
In some cases aircrafts had disappeared
with atomic bombs aboard which were never recovered.
The military went to great lengths to protect systems from potential jamming.
Jamming would happen regularly in many experimental aircraft when UFO's
were seen in the area. UFO sightings at or near military facilities brought
up many issues.
One document contained multiple reports of
the complete disappearance on men and equipment. It stated that disappearances
were rare but warranted consideration and the UFO hypotheses seemed to be
the only explanation. It went on to state that 4000 soldiers, weapons and
equipment (horses included) disappeared during the Spanish war. In 1885
about 600 French colonial soldiers vanished without a trace. In 1939 over
2900 Chinese Nationalists troops were reported missing though campfires
and mess tents were undisturbed. These statistics seem to give the MJ-12
group unsure feeling about the potential UFO/alien threat.
A meeting was called to address the issue
of preparing the Airforce in case of a UFO attack, there had been so many
UFO sightings over the United States. Theodore von Karmon who chaired the
meeting persuaded the panel to establish a separate panel free from pentagon
control to deal with this scenario.
The government was not unfounded, the Roswell wreckage opened a very large can of
worms for it to deal with. It was the conclusion that
the Roswell UFO crash incident was the result of two unidentified interplanetary
objects having a mid-air collision. At first there was speculation that
the crashed craft was a well-elaborated hoax by the Russians, but that was
quickly ruled out. There was a summary assessed by the (IPU) Interplanetary
Phenomena Unit.
Their final conclusion
was that further investigation should be expanded outside the realm of contemporary
science. It was also the recommendation that the appropriate budgets be allocated for future assignments that the unit may be called on to perform, and that the investigation
needs to continue. Perhaps the budget funded projects such as PROJECT SIGN
and PROJECT GRUDGE as the research arm. As well as retrieval operations
that ran under the names of PROJECT STORK, PROJECT MOON DUST and tactical
personnel known as the BLUE TEAM.
The most disturbing part
of the Roswell investigation
was the bodies found not far from the
crash site which were recorded as having been dissected. Oddly enough, a
paper documenting the investigation noted there were animal parts discovered
inside the craft. The document stated that judgment had been reserved on
these issues.
During the Roswell clean up operation
one of the technicians was overcome and collapsed when he attempted the
removal of one of the alien bodies. These aliens were termed "Extraterrestrial
Biological Entities ", or "EBE" during that period. Another
technician went into a coma four hours after placing another EBE in a rubber
body bag. Three of the personnel had symptoms of illness and were rushed
to Los Alamos Laboratory for observation. Later all three died of seizures
and profuse bleeding. All three were wearing protective suits. Two of them
came in contact with the body fluids from the alien occupants. The other
had come in contact with debris near the propulsion reactor.
The autopsies of the dead people were
non-conclusive. It was believed that
they had died from some form of toxins/ or highly contagious disease. Tissue
samples were stored at Fort Detrick, Maryland, with two major concerns.
First, they feared possibility of a large-scale outbreak of an alien virus
that they felt wholly inadequate to deal with. And second, the release of
airborne radiation over New Mexico, which was justifiable concern. Several
monitoring flights over the area indicated high levels of radioactivity
over and around the crash sight. The dead alien bodies were said to have
been sent to Randolph Field, Wright Patterson AFB in Ohio and the AKC Laboratories
at the Sandia Facility in New Mexico.
The preliminary technical
evaluation of the wreckage debris came up with these findings: (1) The crafts
fuselage was found to withstand over 150,000 pounds per square inch. (2)
The metal was also able to withstand extreme heat. (3) There were no visible
sign of fasteners, welds, rivets, or fillings holding the fuselage together.
(4) There were no wings, flaps, or stabilisers. (5) There were no intakes
or exhaust. (6) Within the control panel there were no knobs, switches,
buttons, levers, balls, nor foot pedal observed inside the craft.
The degree of engineering sophistication
found at the Roswell crash site had never been seen in this country. All
evidence pointed to this being a product of an advanced culture from another
planet that is much older than ours, and has used science and intellect
for interplanetary space travel. The power supply for the propulsion system
is what was referred to as a neutronic engine with a series of coils and
magnets connected to it.
The following elements were found to
exist inside its power source: hydrogen-fluoride gas, water, uranium tetra-fluoride,
magnesium, potassium, aluminium, plutonium, silver, beryllium, a compound
similar to lead, and a plastic like material. Its mode of operation is unknown,
but navigation is speculated to occur from a flat metallic panel, and viewed
from a TV-like monitor. The absence of provisions and storage units suggest
that the craft was probably a short-range reconnaissance vehicle. On one
of the reports there was reference made to a current study at MIT of mirco-electronics
(integrated circuitry) taken from the wreckage that they felt might give
them a strategic advantage.
One of the documents covered the on-going
research of what was coined "advanced technology". It states that
the data found at the crash site at Roswell lead to the building of atomic
engines as well as radical propulsion studies. The propulsion system from
the UFO wreckage were was being reverse engineered. In more recent documents
there is a project in which its mission was to communicate with aliens.
This was known as PROJECT SIGMA and PROJECT SNOWBIRD. In one particular
document it stated that the project met with positive success when in 1959
the United States established communications with aliens.
No matter what conclusion you come to
from the information presented herein seems clear that the U.S. Government
is withholding the truth about UFO related information. Perhaps the real
reasons for the cover up are not even mentioned in the documents. Not because
the truth is purposefully being hidden by the U.S. Government, but because
the agenda of the foreign visitors is not to be seen. And the extent they
will go to cover their own tracts is beyond mankind scope of perception
at this point
(OVER HALF the world's population (maybe
more !) Really believe everything their government tells them is actually
the truth. No matter how insane it may appear. It's a fact of life. Governments
rely on it !)
The NSC called this group the "54-12"
committee which gave the President responsibility of approving all "Black"
covert projects. This committee has undergone several changes over the years,
and since then, has been called the "Special Committee"; the "303
Committee" and currently the "40 Committee". It is described
as the "Directorate" of the NSC. The "40 Committee"
(PI-40) has access to advanced technology and teams to cover-up, "the
cover-ups". In the past, this committee was headed by Dr. Henry Kissenger
(Code name: "The Overseer")
Operation Majority is the
name of the operation responsible for every aspect, project and all consequences
of Alien presence on earth.
MAJESTY was listed as the
code name for the President of the United States for communications concerning
this information.
GRUDGE contains 16 volumes of documented information
collected from the beginning of the United States investigation of the Unidentified
Flying Objects (UFO's) and Identified Alien Crafts (IACs). The project was
funded by the CIA, (confidential funds, non-appropriated) and money from
the illicit drug trade. (It was rumoured in the higher echelon's of the
Air Force that participation in the illegal drug trade was justified in
that it would identify and eliminate the weak elements of our society -
see Jason Society below)
The purpose of GRUDGE was to collect all scientific,
technological, medical and intelligence information from UFO & IAC sightings
as well as contacts with Alien Life Forms. This orderly file of collected
information has been used to advance the United States Air Force Space Program,
The Jason Society (Jason Scholars) - Former President
Eisenhower commissioned a secret society known as the Jason Society (or
Jason Scholars) under the leadership of the following; Director of Central
Intelligence, Allen Welsh Dulles, Dr Zbigniew Brzezinski, President of the
Trilateral Commission from 1973 until 1976, and Dr. Henry Kissenger, leader
of the scientific effort, to sift through all the facts, evidence, technology,
lies and deceptions and find the truth of the Alien question. The society
was made up of thirty two (32) of the most prominent men in the USA.
MJ-12 is the name of the secret
control group inside the Jason Society. The top 12 members of the 32 members
of the Jason Society were designated as MJ-12. MJ-12 has control of everything.
They are designated by the code J-1, J-2, J-3, etc. all the way through
the members of the Jason Society. The director of Central Intelligence was
appointed J-1 and is the Director of the MJ-12 group. MJ-12 used to only
be responsible to the President of the United States (not true anymore). The actual
cost of funding the Alien connected projects is higher than anything you
could imagine! Believe it or not, MJ-12 runs most of the worlds illegal
drug trade. This was done to hide funding and thus keep the secret from
congress and the people of the United States. It was justified in that it
would identify and eliminate the weak and undesired elements of our society.
Only strong willed people who will resist drugs and work well are needed.
The rest can fall by the wayside. It's a very bleak prospect but one that
world governments work on.
A secret meeting place was constructed for the MJ-12
group in Maryland and is only accessible by air. It contains full living,
recreational, and other facilities for the MJ-12 group and the Jason Society.
It is code named "The Country Club". The land for The Country
Club was donated by the Rockerfeller family. Only those with ULTRA TOP SECRET
- MAJI clearances are allowed to go there.
It's set up in such a way that certain members are not
able to visit when certain other members are present. The secrecy extends
to the actual members of the Jason Society. There is NO TIME that ALL MJ-12
members meet face to face. It has never happened.
MAJI - Majority Agency for Joint Intelligence. All information,
disinformation, and intelligence is gathered and evaluated by this agency.
This agency is responsible for all disinformation and operates in conjunction
with the CIA, NSA, DIA, and the Office of Naval Intelligence. This is a
very powerful organisation and all Alien projects are under its control.
MAJI is responsible only to MJ-12. MAJIC is the security classification
and clearance of all Alien connected material, projects, and information.
MAJIC - means MAJI controlled (MAJI plus controlled
NOTE: MJ-1 is the classification for the director of
MAJI, who is the director of the CIA and reports only to the President.
Other members of MAJI are designated MJ-2, MJ-3, etc. This is why there
is some confusion about references of MJ-12, the group or MJ-12 the person.
Designation for MJ-12, the group are MAJI or MAJIC Designation
in official documents about MJ-12 means the person only.
In 1947, PROJECT SIGN was created to acquire as much
information as possible about UFO's, their performance characteristics and
their purposes. In order to preserve security, liaison between Project Sign
and MJ-12 was limited to two individuals within the intelligence division
of the Air Material Command whose roll was to pass along certain types of
information through channels. Project Sign evolved Project Grudge in December
of 1948. Project Grudge had an overt civilian counterpart named PROJECT
BLUE BOOK, with which we are all familiar. Only "Safe" reports
were passed to Project Blue Book.
MJ-12 was originally organised by General George C.
Marshall in July 1947 to study the Roswell-Magdalena UFO crash recovery
and debris.
Admiral Hillenkoetter, director of the CIA from May 1, 1947 until September 1950 (see link)
decided to activate
the "Robertson Panel," which was designed to monitor civilian
UFO study groups that were appearing all over the country. He also joined
NICAP in 1956 and was chosen as a member of its board of directors. It was
from this position that he was able to act as the MJ-12 "Mole",
along with his team of other covert experts. They were able to steer NICAP
in any direction they wanted to go. With the "Flying Saucer Program"
under complete control of MJ-12 and with the physical evidence hidden away,
General Marshall felt more at ease with this very bizarre situation. These
men and their successors have most successfully kept most of the public
fooled up to the present, including much of the western world, by setting up false experts and throwing their influence behind them to make their plan work, with considerable success until now.
Within 6 months of the Roswell crash on July 2, 1947
and the finding of another crashed UFO at San Augustine Flats near Magdelena,
New Mexico on July 3, 1947, a great deal of reorganisation of agencies and
shuffling of people took place. The main thrust behind the original "Security
Lid", and the very reason for its construction, was the analysis and
attempted duplication of the technologies of the discs. The activity was
headed up by the following groups.
1. The Research and Development Board (R&DB)
2. Air Force Research and Development (AFRD)
3. The Office of Naval Research (ONR)
4. CIA Office of Scientific Intelligence
5. NSA Office of Scientific Intelligence
No single one of these groups
knew the whole story. Each group was to know only the parts that MJ-12 allowed them to know.
MJ-12 also operates through the various
civilian intelligence and investigative groups. The CIA and FBI are manipulated
by MJ-12 to carry out their purposes. The NSA was created in the first place
to protect the secret of the recovered flying discs, and eventually got
complete control over all communication intelligence. This control allows
the NSA to monitor any individual through mail, telephone, telexes, telegrams,
email, and now through on-line computers, monitoring private and personal
communications as they may desire.
is the project which first established communications
with the Aliens and is responsible for communications.
is the project responsible for Diplomatic Relations
with the Aliens. This project secured a formal treaty with the aliens.
is the project which compiled the history of the Alien
presence and interaction on Earth and the HOMO SAPIENS.
is the project responsible for control of all information
and documents regarding the Alien subjects and accountability of their information
and documents.
is a project responsible for evaluating all UFO and
IAC information pertaining to space technology.
project was formed to recover all downed and/or crashed
craft and Aliens. This project provided cover stories and operations to
mask the true endeavour, whenever necessary. Covers which have been used
were crashed experimental aircraft, construction, Mining, etc. This project
has been successful and is ongoing today.
is the National Recon Organisation based
at Fort Carson, Colorado. It's responsible for security on all Alien or
Alien Spacecraft connected to the projects.
is the designation for the specific arm of NRO which
is especially trained and tasked with security of all MAJI projects. It's
a security team and task force from NRO especially trained to provide Alien
tasked projects and LUNA security (Also has the CODE NAME: "Men In
Black" [MIB]). This project is ongoing.
is the first project responsible for reaction and/or
recovery of downed and/or crashed Alien craft and/or Aliens. This was a
U.S. Air Force Material Command project.
is the second project responsible for collection of
intelligence and determining whether Alien presence constitutes a treat
to the U.S. National Security. SIGN absorbed the BLUE TEAM project. This
was a U.S. Air Force and CIA project.
was the project to test fly recovered Alien craft. This
project was postponed after every attempt resulted in the destruction of
the craft and death of the pilots. This project was carried out at AREA
51, Groom Lake, (Dreamland) in Nevada. Project REDLIGHT was resumed in 1972.
This project has been partially successful. UFO sightings of craft accompanied
by Black Helicopters are Project REDLIGHT assets. This project is now ongoing
at AREA 51 in Nevada. (Believed to have moved to Mexico at this time for
was established as a cover for Project Redlight. A "Flying
Saucer" type aircraft was built using conventional technology. It was
unveiled to the press and flown in public on several occasions. The purpose
was to explain accidental sightings or disclosures of Redlight as having
been Snowbird crafts. This was a very successful disinformation operation.
This project is only activated when needed. This deception has not been
used for many years. This project is currently in mothballs, until it is
needed again.
was a U.S. Air Force, UFO, and Alien Intelligence collection
and disinformation project. This project was terminated and its collected
information and duties were absorbed by project Aquarius. A classified report
named "Grudge/Blue Book, Report Number 13" is the only significant
information derived from the project and is unavailable to the public.