Phils Webpage 

About this website

Hi, I'm Phil

1998 - 2022   24 Years!

This website has nothing for sale.  Send NO money !  There is NO advertising on this website.

The stuff I have written about is in the public domain. 

I did not create this website for the purpose of making money.

I've been told this is very "1960's" - even though the internet was not around in 1960!

I'm sorry if any of you have received any spam emails that claim to be from my website.

I do not send out emails, I only reply to an email you have already sent to me, that is from the contact form at the bottom of the front page.  You can be assured that your email address remains with me, no one else gets access to it.

About Phil - He began Lighting in 1966 and then became sidetracked into this after a near death experience.

Second near death has been the spam.

Quote" The world is a terrible place not because of the bad things that happen but because of the good people who stand by and do nothing"

"Albert Einstein - 1879 - 1955"

I started this website in 1998. Thats 24 years now in 2022.

The Articles below have all been written, altered, added to and parts have been deleted and

in some cases fully deleted ( at the request of a third party ).

It's been a big learning curve for me. This is a work in progress,

and as I find more interesting things, I will post them up here. 

The internet, when it began in the 1990's, is a lot different, content wise, to todays internet.

Amazing things popped up in the 1990's that were there for maybe only a few days or a month,

then the item disappeared. Just like that. Gone.

Stuff I had read about years earlier, and heard about, there one minute, gone the next.

Websites would become unavailable, never to reappear again.

Domain Name Registration was a lot different to today.

The first domain was .com, and it was common for a .com domain to appear,

and then, very soon after, disappear, as the very first .com domains were free to register.

After that the cost was quite low, and registrations were for a year.

My website here contains a lot of things I got from very early on,

from the early 1990's to late 90's.  It's a bit like a wayback machine.

to go back home
